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Peter Arthur Meakin - help wanted

Published: 27 Jul 2017

From Christian MORIO

"I am looking for Peter Arthur Meakin or his family He was from squadron 894 and shot down over Brittanny on May 9 1944 and survived the crash My father was present at the crash site and Saw the pilot taken prisonner by the germans After the war Peter Arthur left England as Executive of an oil Company bound to Venezuela with his wife Isabelle Mackenzie and their daughter Elaine Mary In 1953 they had à son David Charles born in Maracaibo In 1956 they were spotted in apassenger list back for 3 months in England c/o westminster bank of NewMalden Surrey Where they previously resided Since then we have lost their trace Anyone having infos please let me know Thanks"

Christian may be contacted on [email protected]


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